Thursday, October 30, 2014

Foer Webinar Reaction Assignment

        The title of the video we watched in class in October 28, 2014 is called Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar. The person to present in the video was Jonathan Safran Foer the author of “Eating Animals.” I would categorize this video more in like the informative category. Throughout the webinar and video, Foer talks about the things we don’t really know that are going on in the agriculture business. We don’t usually stop to think about what we’re really eating. If it tastes good we just eat it. Foer uncovers the truth behind farming and how it’s not even the same as how farming used to be. Nowadays they’re called factory farms. It’s not that barn where the sun is shining on and the animals can run around but an ugly factory. Foer also explains how cruel the animals are treated and we didn’t know about it.
One stand-out moment in the webinar was how Foer said that if it’s not a problem that concerns those big owners of the industries, they won’t think about it twice. So basically if no one complains of getting sick from the messed up meat they’re consuming, the owners won’t care and keep on doing the horrible things they do to animals for an easy buck. It amazes me how humans choose greed over protecting the people around them.
Another stand-out moment in the video was how Foer said that are “perfect” turkey that he we get for Thanksgiving is not so perfect. He said that turkeys don’t even reproduce naturally like before. Turkeys are inseminated and because of that, they become very messed with irregular bodies. This blew my mind because we are making turkeys become so deformed and suffer just so that we can eat. It’s very sad because those turkeys did nothing to deserve that.
The last stand-out moment I want to share is how Foer explains how we are supporting a cruel system of torture just by eating the products from those companies. Since people like the food, farmers will continue to torture the animals to give what the people want. This captured my attention because it makes me think how just by being ignorant of a problem can cause a ripple effect. In the end, it is better to know what’s going on beyond our “little world.” The more we know, the better we can contribute to make the world a better place.
This presentation relates to my life because I do consume meat. The topic of the book and webinar has to do with meat consumers. I feel like Jonathan Safran Foer has opened my eyes to how the world really works. I honestly thought farms were how they used to be but now I realize that they’re not anymore. Although he may not influence me to become a vegetarian, he has accomplished one thing with me. That is to stop and make me think what I’m really putting into my body and if it’s harming me.  


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